Heirloom Collection - Area Rug Shop

Heirloom Collection

      Chic Sophistication meets exceptional quality and craftsmanship. That’s the Heirloom Collection. We’ve taken the latest in weaving technologies to weave the densest rug we have ever woven. At 2 million points per square meter, this rug will last for decades staying true to its name, Heirloom. The details of each design and the colour pallet chosen for this collection will bring the crisp, luxurious look to any space it’s in. 
      5 products
      Limited Stock

      Last Chance

      Dive into our Clearance Rug Sale - where prices have taken a nosedive, but styles are soaring high! Snag your rug before they vanish – it's a limited-stock fiesta!
      Ready, set, Rug!