Felt Ball Wool Rug
Felt Ball Wool Rug
Felt Ball Wool Rug
Felt Ball Wool Rug
Felt Ball Wool Rug

Felt Ball Wool Rug

A unique and visually striking piece that captivates with its distinctive texture and color palette. Crafted from high-quality wool, it exudes warmth, softness, and durability. The design mimics the appearance of a collection of tennis balls skillfully interwoven, creating a surface that is both playful and sophisticated.

The neutral tones of off-white, brown, and grey dominate the rug, contributing to its versatile and timeless aesthetic. This woolen masterpiece is a fusion of artistry and functionality, seamlessly blending into various interior styles while making a bold statement.

Origin: India
Fabrication: Handwoven
Material: 100% Wool
Cleaning: Professional
Shedding: Low
Pile Height: 2.25"
Density Rating: 7/10
Sizes are rounded to the nearest foot. Exact dimensions for this collection +/-2% are as follows:

  • [5x8] 5'5" x 8'1"
    Regular price$1,125.00
    Shipping calculated at checkout.

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